The Letters and Positives objects above require us to introduce a new field self.current into our object to keep track of progress through the sequence. With simple sequences like those shown above, this can be done easily. With complex sequences, however, it can be quite difficult for the __next__ method to save its place in the calculation. Generators allow us to define more complicated iterations by leveraging the features of the Python interpreter.
A generator is an iterator returned by a special class of function called a generator function. Generator functions are distinguished from regular functions in that rather than containing return statements in their body, they use yield statement to return elements of a series.
Generators do not use attributes of an object to track their progress through a series. Instead, they control the execution of the generator function, which runs until the next yield statement is executed each time the generator's __next__ method is invoked. The Letters iterator can be implemented much more compactly using a generator function.
>>> def letters_generator():
current = 'a'
while current <= 'd':
yield current
current = chr(ord(current)+1)
>>> for letter in letters_generator():
Even though we never explicitly defined __iter__ or __next__ methods, the yield statement indicates that we are defining a generator function. When called, a generator function doesn't return a particular yielded value, but instead a generator (which is a type of iterator) that itself can return the yielded values. A generator object has __iter__ and __next__ methods, and each call to __next__ continues execution of the generator function from wherever it left off previously until another yield statement is executed.
The first time __next__ is called, the program executes statements from the body of the letters_generator function until it encounters the yield statement. Then, it pauses and returns the value of current. yield statements do not destroy the newly created environment, they preserve it for later. When __next__ is called again, execution resumes where it left off. The values of current and of any other bound names in the scope of letters_generator are preserved across subsequent calls to __next__.
We can walk through the generator by manually calling ____next__():
>>> letters = letters_generator()
>>> type(letters)
<class 'generator'>
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
>>> letters.__next__()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
The generator does not start executing any of the body statements of its generator function until the first time __next__ is invoked. The generator raises a StopIteration exception whenever its generator function returns.