Instances of primitive built-in values such as numbers are immutable. The values themselves cannot change over the course of program execution. Lists on the other hand are mutable.

Mutable objects are used to represent values that change over time. A person is the same person from one day to the next, despite having aged, received a haircut, or otherwise changed in some way. Similarly, an object may have changing properties due to mutating operations. For example, it is possible to change the contents of a list. Most changes are performed by invoking methods on list objects.

We can introduce many list modification operations through an example that illustrates the history of playing cards (drastically simplified). Comments in the examples describe the effect of each method invocation.

Playing cards were invented in China, perhaps around the 9th century. An early deck had three suits, which corresponded to denominations of money.

>>> chinese = ['coin', 'string', 'myriad']  # A list literal
>>> suits = chinese                         # Two names refer to the same list

As cards migrated to Europe (perhaps through Egypt), only the suit of coins remained in Spanish decks (oro).

>>> suits.pop()             # Remove and return the final element
>>> suits.remove('string')  # Remove the first element that equals the argument

Three more suits were added (they evolved in name and design over time),

>>> suits.append('cup')              # Add an element to the end
>>> suits.extend(['sword', 'club'])  # Add all elements of a sequence to the end

and Italians called swords spades.

>>> suits[2] = 'spade'  # Replace an element

giving the suits of a traditional Italian deck of cards.

>>> suits
['coin', 'cup', 'spade', 'club']

The French variant used today in the U.S. changes the first two suits:

>>> suits[0:2] = ['heart', 'diamond']  # Replace a slice
>>> suits
['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

Methods also exist for inserting, sorting, and reversing lists. All of these mutation operations change the value of the list; they do not create new list objects.

Sharing and Identity. Because we have been changing a single list rather than creating new lists, the object bound to the name chinese has also changed, because it is the same list object that was bound to suits!

>>> chinese  # This name co-refers with "suits" to the same changing list
['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

This behavior is new. Previously, if a name did not appear in a statement, then its value would not be affected by that statement. With mutable data, methods called on one name can affect another name at the same time.

The environment diagram for this example shows how the value bound to chinese is changed by statements involving only suits. Step through each line of the following example to observe these changes.

1chinese = ['coin', 'string', 'myriad']
2suits = chinese
6suits.extend(['sword', 'club'])
7suits[2] = 'spade'
8suits[0:2] = ['heart', 'diamond']
Step 4 of 8
line that has just executed

next line to execute


Lists can be copied using the list constructor function. Changes to one list do not affect another, unless they share structure.

>>> nest = list(suits)  # Bind "nest" to a second list with the same elements
>>> nest[0] = suits     # Create a nested list

According to this environment, changing the list referenced by suits will affect the nested list that is the first element of nest, but not the other elements.

>>> suits.insert(2, 'Joker')  # Insert an element at index 2, shifting the rest
>>> nest
[['heart', 'diamond', 'Joker', 'spade', 'club'], 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

And likewise, undoing this change in the first element of nest will change suit as well.

>>> nest[0].pop(2)
>>> suits
['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

Stepping through this example line by line will show the representation of a nested list.

1suits = ['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']
2nest = list(suits)
3nest[0] = suits
4suits.insert(2, 'Joker')
5joke = nest[0].pop(2)
Step 1 of 5
line that has just executed

next line to execute

Because two lists may have the same contents but in fact be different lists, we require a means to test whether two objects are the same. Python includes two comparison operators, called is and is not, that test whether two expressions in fact evaluate to the identical object. Two objects are identical if they are equal in their current value, and any change to one will always be reflected in the other. Identity is a stronger condition than equality.

>>> suits is nest[0]
>>> suits is ['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']
>>> suits == ['heart', 'diamond', 'spade', 'club']

The final two comparisons illustrate the difference between is and ==. The former checks for identity, while the latter checks for the equality of contents.

List comprehensions. A list comprehension always creates a new list. For example, the unicodedata module tracks the official names of every character in the Unicode alphabet. We can look up the characters corresponding to names, including those for card suits.

>>> from unicodedata import lookup
>>> [lookup('WHITE ' + s.upper() + ' SUIT') for s in suits]
['♡', '♢', '♤', '♧']

This resulting list does not share any of its contents with suits, and evaluating the list comprehension does not modify the suits list.

You can read more about the Unicode standard for representing text in the Unicode section of Dive into Python 3.

Tuples. A tuple, an instance of the built-in tuple type, is an immutable sequence. Tuples are created using a tuple literal that separates element expressions by commas. Parentheses are optional but used commonly in practice. Any objects can be placed within tuples.

>>> 1, 2 + 3
(1, 5)
>>> ("the", 1, ("and", "only"))
('the', 1, ('and', 'only'))
>>> type( (10, 20) )
<class 'tuple'>

Empty and one-element tuples have special literal syntax.

>>> ()    # 0 elements
>>> (10,) # 1 element

Like lists, tuples have a finite length and support element selection. They also have a few methods that are also available for lists, such as count and index.

>>> code = ("up", "up", "down", "down") + ("left", "right") * 2
>>> len(code)
>>> code[3]
>>> code.count("down")
>>> code.index("left")

However, the methods for manipulating the contents of a list are not available for tuples because tuples are immutable.

While it is not possible to change which elements are in a tuple, it is possible to change the value of a mutable element contained within a tuple.

1nest = (10, 20, [30, 40])
line that has just executed

next line to execute


Tuples are used implicitly in multiple assignment. An assignment of two values to two names creates a two-element tuple and then unpacks it.