We now return to use the bank account example from the previous section. Using our implemented object system, we will create an Account class, a CheckingAccount subclass, and an instance of each.

The Account class is created through a make_account_class function, which has structure similar to a class statement in Python, but concludes with a call to make_class.

>>> def make_account_class():
        """Return the Account class, which has deposit and withdraw methods."""
        interest = 0.02
        def __init__(self, account_holder):
            self['set']('holder', account_holder)
            self['set']('balance', 0)
        def deposit(self, amount):
            """Increase the account balance by amount and return the new balance."""
            new_balance = self['get']('balance') + amount
            self['set']('balance', new_balance)
            return self['get']('balance')
        def withdraw(self, amount):
            """Decrease the account balance by amount and return the new balance."""
            balance = self['get']('balance')
            if amount > balance:
                return 'Insufficient funds'
            self['set']('balance', balance - amount)
            return self['get']('balance')
        return make_class(locals())

The final call to locals returns a dictionary with string keys that contains the name-value bindings in the current local frame.

The Account class is finally instantiated via assignment.

>>> Account = make_account_class()

Then, an account instance is created via the new message, which requires a name to go with the newly created account.

>>> kirk_account = Account['new']('Kirk')

Then, get messages passed to kirk_account retrieve properties and methods. Methods can be called to update the balance of the account.

>>> kirk_account['get']('holder')
>>> kirk_account['get']('interest')
>>> kirk_account['get']('deposit')(20)
>>> kirk_account['get']('withdraw')(5)

As with the Python object system, setting an attribute of an instance does not change the corresponding attribute of its class.

>>> kirk_account['set']('interest', 0.04)
>>> Account['get']('interest')

Inheritance. We can create a subclass CheckingAccount by overloading a subset of the class attributes. In this case, we change the withdraw method to impose a fee, and we reduce the interest rate.

>>> def make_checking_account_class():
        """Return the CheckingAccount class, which imposes a $1 withdrawal fee."""
        interest = 0.01
        withdraw_fee = 1
        def withdraw(self, amount):
            fee = self['get']('withdraw_fee')
            return Account['get']('withdraw')(self, amount + fee)
        return make_class(locals(), Account)

In this implementation, we call the withdraw function of the base class Account from the withdraw function of the subclass, as we would in Python's built-in object system. We can create the subclass itself and an instance, as before.

>>> CheckingAccount = make_checking_account_class()
>>> jack_acct = CheckingAccount['new']('Spock')

Deposits behave identically, as does the constructor function. withdrawals impose the $1 fee from the specialized withdraw method, and interest has the new lower value from CheckingAccount.

>>> jack_acct['get']('interest')
>>> jack_acct['get']('deposit')(20)
>>> jack_acct['get']('withdraw')(5)

Our object system built upon dictionaries is quite similar in implementation to the built-in object system in Python. In Python, an instance of any user-defined class has a special attribute __dict__ that stores the local instance attributes for that object in a dictionary, much like our attributes dictionary. Python differs because it distinguishes certain special methods that interact with built-in functions to ensure that those functions behave correctly for arguments of many different types. Functions that operate on different types are the subject of the next section.