Another way to avoid conflicting access to shared data is to divide a program into phases, ensuring that shared data is mutated in a phase in which no other thread accesses it. A barrier divides a program into phases by requiring all threads to reach it before any of them can proceed. Code that is executed after a barrier cannot be concurrent with code executed before the barrier.

In Python, the threading module provides a barrier in the form of the the wait method of a Barrier instance:

counters = [0, 0]
  barrier = threading.Barrier(2)
  def count(thread_num, steps):
      for i in range(steps):
          other = counters[1 - thread_num]
          barrier.wait() # wait for reads to complete
          counters[thread_num] = other + 1
          barrier.wait() # wait for writes to complete
  def threaded_count(steps):
      other = threading.Thread(target=count, args=(1, steps))
      count(0, steps)
      print('counters:', counters)

In this example, reading and writing to shared data take place in different phases, separated by barriers. The writes occur in the same phase, but they are disjoint; this disjointness is necessary to avoid concurrent writes to the same data in the same phase. Since this code is properly synchronized, both counters will always be 10 at the end.

The multithreaded particle simulator uses a barrier in a similar fashion to synchronize access to shared data. In the simulation, each thread owns a number of particles, all of which interact with each other over the course of many discrete timesteps. A particle has a position, velocity, and acceleration, and a new acceleration is computed in each timestep based on the positions of the other particles. The velocity of the particle must be updated accordingly, and its position according to its velocity.

As with the simple example above, there is a read phase, in which all particles' positions are read by all threads. Each thread updates its own particles' acceleration in this phase, but since these are disjoint writes, they need not be synchronized. In the write phase, each thread updates its own particles' velocities and positions. Again, these are disjoint writes, and they are protected from the read phase by barriers.