We introduced user-defined functions as a mechanism for abstracting patterns of numerical operations so as to make them independent of the particular numbers involved. With higher-order functions, we begin to see a more powerful kind of abstraction: some functions express general methods of computation, independent of the particular functions they call.
Despite this conceptual extension of what a function means, our environment model of how to evaluate a call expression extends gracefully to the case of higher-order functions, without change. When a user-defined function is applied to some arguments, the formal parameters are bound to the values of those arguments (which may be functions) in a new local frame.
Consider the following example, which implements a general method for iterative improvement and uses it to compute the golden ratio. The golden ratio, often called "phi", is a number near 1.6 that appears frequently in nature, art, and architecture.
An iterative improvement algorithm begins with a guess of a solution to an equation. It repeatedly applies an update function to improve that guess, and applies a close comparison to check whether the current guess is "close enough" to be considered correct.
>>> def improve(update, close, guess=1):
while not close(guess):
guess = update(guess)
return guess
This improve function is a general expression of repetitive refinement. It doesn't specify what problem is being solved: those details are left to the update and close functions passed in as arguments.
Among the well-known properties of the golden ratio are that it can be computed by repeatedly summing the inverse of any positive number with 1, and that it is one less than its square. We can express these properties as functions to be used with improve.
>>> def golden_update(guess):
return 1/guess + 1
>>> def square_close_to_successor(guess):
return approx_eq(guess * guess, guess + 1)
Above, we introduce a call to approx_eq that is meant to return True if its arguments are approximately equal to each other. To implement, approx_eq, we can compare the absolute value of the difference between two numbers to a small tolerance value.
>>> def approx_eq(x, y, tolerance=1e-15):
return abs(x - y) < tolerance
Calling improve with the arguments golden_update and square_close_to_successor will compute a finite approximation to the golden ratio.
>>> improve(golden_update, square_close_to_successor)
By tracing through the steps of evaluation, we can see how this result is computed. First, a local frame for improve is constructed with bindings for update, close, and guess. In the body of improve, the name close is bound to square_close_to_successor, which is called on the initial value of guess. Trace through the rest of the steps to see the computational process that evolves to compute the golden ratio.
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This example illustrates two related big ideas in computer science. First, naming and functions allow us to abstract away a vast amount of complexity. While each function definition has been trivial, the computational process set in motion by our evaluation procedure is quite intricate. Second, it is only by virtue of the fact that we have an extremely general evaluation procedure for the Python language that small components can be composed into complex processes. Understanding the procedure of interpreting programs allows us to validate and inspect the process we have created.
As always, our new general method improve needs a test to check its correctness. The golden ratio can provide such a test, because it also has an exact closed-form solution, which we can compare to this iterative result.
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> phi = 1/2 + sqrt(5)/2
>>> def improve_test():
approx_phi = improve(golden_update, square_close_to_successor)
assert approx_eq(phi, approx_phi), 'phi differs from its approximation'
>>> improve_test()
For this test, no news is good news: improve_test returns None after its assert statement is executed successfully.