Sequences are such a common form of compound data that whole programs are often organized around this single abstraction. Modular components that have sequences as both inputs and outputs can be mixed and matched to perform data processing. Complex components can be defined by chaining together a pipeline of sequence processing operations, each of which is simple and focused.

List Comprehensions. Many sequence processing operations can be expressed by evaluating a fixed expression for each element in a sequence and collecting the resulting values in a result sequence. In Python, a list comprehension is an expression that performs such a computation.

>>> odds = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
>>> [x+1 for x in odds]
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

The for keyword above is not part of a for statement, but instead part of a list comprehension because it is contained within square brackets. The sub-expression x+1 is evaluated with x bound to each element of odds in turn, and the resulting values are collected into a list.

Another common sequence processing operation is to select a subset of values that satisfy some condition. List comprehensions can also express this pattern, for instance selecting all elements of odds that evenly divide 25.

>>> [x for x in odds if 25 % x == 0]
[1, 5]

The general form of a list comprehension is:

[<map expression> for <name> in <sequence expression> if <filter expression>]

To evaluate a list comprehension, Python evaluates the <sequence expression>, which must return an iterable value. Then, for each element in order, the element value is bound to <name>, the filter expression is evaluated, and if it yields a true value, the map expression is evaluated. The values of the map expression are collected into a list.

Aggregation. A third common pattern in sequence processing is to aggregate all values in a sequence into a single value. The built-in functions sum, min, and max are all examples of aggregation functions.

By combining the patterns of evaluating an expression for each element, selecting a subset of elements, and aggregating elements, we can solve problems using a sequence processing approach.

A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its divisors. The divisors of n are positive integers less than n that divide evenly into n. Listing the divisors of n can be expressed with a list comprehension.

>>> def divisors(n):
        return [1] + [x for x in range(2, n) if n % x == 0]
>>> divisors(4)
[1, 2]
>>> divisors(12)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6]

Using divisors, we can compute all perfect numbers from 1 to 1000 with another list comprehension. (1 is typically considered to be a perfect number as well, but it does not qualify under our definition of divisors.)

>>> [n for n in range(1, 1000) if sum(divisors(n)) == n]
[6, 28, 496]

We can reuse our definition of divisors to solve another problem, finding the minimum perimeter of a rectangle with integer side lengths, given its area. The area of a rectangle is its height times its width. Therefore, given the area and height, we can compute the width. We can assert that both the width and height evenly divide the area to ensure that the side lengths are integers.

>>> def width(area, height):
        assert area % height == 0
        return area // height

The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of its side lengths.

>>> def perimeter(width, height):
        return 2 * width + 2 * height

The height of a rectangle with integer side lengths must be a divisor of its area. We can compute the minimum perimeter by considering all heights.

>>> def minimum_perimeter(area):
        heights = divisors(area)
        perimeters = [perimeter(width(area, h), h) for h in heights]
        return min(perimeters)
>>> area = 80
>>> width(area, 5)
>>> perimeter(16, 5)
>>> perimeter(10, 8)
>>> minimum_perimeter(area)
>>> [minimum_perimeter(n) for n in range(1, 10)]
[4, 6, 8, 8, 12, 10, 16, 12, 12]

Higher-Order Functions. The common patterns we have observed in sequence processing can be expressed using higher-order functions. First, evaluating an expression for each element in a sequence can be expressed by applying a function to each element.

>>> def apply_to_all(map_fn, s):
        return [map_fn(x) for x in s]

Selecting only elements for which some expression is true can be expressed by applying a function to each element.

>>> def keep_if(filter_fn, s):
        return [x for x in s if filter_fn(x)]

Finally, many forms of aggregation can be expressed as repeatedly applying a two-argument function to the reduced value so far and each element in turn.

>>> def reduce(reduce_fn, s, initial):
        reduced = initial
        for x in s:
            reduced = reduce_fn(reduced, x)
        return reduced

For example, reduce can be used to multiply together all elements of a sequence. Using mul as the reduce_fn and 1 as the initial value, reduce can be used to multiply together a sequence of numbers.

>>> reduce(mul, [2, 4, 8], 1)

We can find perfect numbers using these higher-order functions as well.

>>> def divisors_of(n):
        divides_n = lambda x: n % x == 0
        return [1] + keep_if(divides_n, range(2, n))
>>> divisors_of(12)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6]
>>> from operator import add
>>> def sum_of_divisors(n):
        return reduce(add, divisors_of(n), 0)
>>> def perfect(n):
        return sum_of_divisors(n) == n
>>> keep_if(perfect, range(1, 1000))
[1, 6, 28, 496]

Conventional Names. In the computer science community, the more common name for apply_to_all is map and the more common name for keep_if is filter. In Python, the built-in map and filter are generalizations of these functions that do not return lists. These functions are discussed in Chapter 4. The definitions above are equivalent to applying the list constructor to the result of built-in map and filter calls.

>>> apply_to_all = lambda map_fn, s: list(map(map_fn, s))
>>> keep_if = lambda filter_fn, s: list(filter(filter_fn, s))

The reduce function is built into the functools module of the Python standard library. In this version, the initial argument is optional.

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> from operator import mul
>>> def product(s):
        return reduce(mul, s)
>>> product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

In Python programs, it is more common to use list comprehensions directly rather than higher-order functions, but both approaches to sequence processing are widely used.