To represent data effectively, an object value should behave like the kind of data it is meant to represent, including producing a string representation of itself. String representations of data values are especially important in an interactive language such as Python that automatically displays the string representation of the values of expressions in an interactive session.
String values provide a fundamental medium for communicating information among humans. Sequences of characters can be rendered on a screen, printed to paper, read aloud, converted to braille, or broadcast as Morse code. Strings are also fundamental to programming because they can represent Python expressions.
Python stipulates that all objects should produce two different string representations: one that is human-interpretable text and one that is a Python-interpretable expression. The constructor function for strings, str, returns a human-readable string. Where possible, the repr function returns a Python expression that evaluates to an equal object. The docstring for repr explains this property:
repr(object) -> string Return the canonical string representation of the object. For most object types, eval(repr(object)) == object.
The result of calling repr on the value of an expression is what Python prints in an interactive session.
>>> 12e12
>>> print(repr(12e12))
In cases where no representation exists that evaluates to the original value, Python typically produces a description surrounded by angled brackets.
>>> repr(min)
'<built-in function min>'
The str constructor often coincides with repr, but provides a more interpretable text representation in some cases. For instance, we see a difference between str and repr with dates.
>>> from datetime import date
>>> tues = date(2011, 9, 12)
>>> repr(tues)
', 9, 12)'
>>> str(tues)
Defining the repr function presents a new challenge: we would like it to apply correctly to all data types, even those that did not exist when repr was implemented. We would like it to be a generic or polymorphic function, one that can be applied to many (poly) different forms (morph) of data.
The object system provides an elegant solution in this case: the repr function always invokes a method called __repr__ on its argument.
>>> tues.__repr__()
', 9, 12)'
By implementing this same method in user-defined classes, we can extend the applicability of repr to any class we create in the future. This example highlights another benefit of dot expressions in general, that they provide a mechanism for extending the domain of existing functions to new object types.
The str constructor is implemented in a similar manner: it invokes a method called __str__ on its argument.
>>> tues.__str__()
These polymorphic functions are examples of a more general principle: certain functions should apply to multiple data types. Moreover, one way to create such a function is to use a shared attribute name with a different definition in each class.