To enable us to implement the concrete level of our data abstraction, Python provides a compound structure called a list, which can be constructed by placing expressions within square brackets separated by commas. Such an expression is called a list literal.
>>> [10, 20]
[10, 20]
The elements of a list can be accessed in two ways. The first way is via our familiar method of multiple assignment, which unpacks a list into its elements and binds each element to a different name.
>>> pair = [10, 20]
>>> pair
[10, 20]
>>> x, y = pair
>>> x
>>> y
A second method for accessing the elements in a list is by the element selection operator, also expressed using square brackets. Unlike a list literal, a square-brackets expression directly following another expression does not evaluate to a list value, but instead selects an element from the value of the preceding expression.
>>> pair[0]
>>> pair[1]
Lists in Python (and sequences in most other programming languages) are 0-indexed, meaning that the index 0 selects the first element, index 1 selects the second, and so on. One intuition that supports this indexing convention is that the index represents how far an element is offset from the beginning of the list.
The equivalent function for the element selection operator is called getitem, and it also uses 0-indexed positions to select elements from a list.
>>> from operator import getitem
>>> getitem(pair, 0)
>>> getitem(pair, 1)
Two-element lists are not the only method of representing pairs in Python. Any way of bundling two values together into one can be considered a pair. Lists are a common method to do so. Lists can also contain more than two elements, as we will explore later in the chapter.
Representing Rational Numbers. We can now represent a rational number as a pair of two integers: a numerator and a denominator.
>>> def rational(n, d):
return [n, d]
>>> def numer(x):
return x[0]
>>> def denom(x):
return x[1]
Together with the arithmetic operations we defined earlier, we can manipulate rational numbers with the functions we have defined.
>>> half = rational(1, 2)
>>> print_rational(half)
1 / 2
>>> third = rational(1, 3)
>>> print_rational(mul_rationals(half, third))
1 / 6
>>> print_rational(add_rationals(third, third))
6 / 9
As the example above shows, our rational number implementation does not reduce rational numbers to lowest terms. We can remedy this flaw by changing the implementation of rational. If we have a function for computing the greatest common denominator of two integers, we can use it to reduce the numerator and the denominator to lowest terms before constructing the pair. As with many useful tools, such a function already exists in the Python Library.
>>> from fractions import gcd
>>> def rational(n, d):
g = gcd(n, d)
return (n//g, d//g)
The floor division operator, //, expresses integer division, which rounds down the fractional part of the result of division. Since we know that g divides both n and d evenly, integer division is exact in this case. This revised rational implementation ensures that rationals are expressed in lowest terms.
>>> print_rational(add_rationals(third, third))
2 / 3
This improvement was accomplished by changing the constructor without changing any of the functions that implement the actual arithmetic operations.