What is the prefix for attributes provided by Vue?
How do you create a local component?
For radio, checkbox and select options, the v-model
binding values are usually ______ strings (or booleans for checkbox)
Should role
attributes be used with landmark HTML elements?
What is the command to install and execute create-vue, the official Vue project scaffolding tool?
What is the official, low-level component testing library for Vue?
What is the benefit of using Vue to build standard Web Components?
You can ______ ______: one composable function can call one or more other composable functions. This enables us to compose complex logic using small, isolated units.
Vue is a JavaScript ______ for building user ______
RxJS is a library for working with ______ .
What is the state management library maintained by the Vue team?
What is the function you need to use when defining/exporting components in order to let TypeScript properly infer types inside component options?
Do warning checks incur performance overhead?
What is the built-in component for animating the insertion, removal, and order change of elements or components that are rendered in a list?
What are the primary trade-offs when using Server Side Rendering (SSR)?
Can lifecycle hooks be registered asynchronously?
What are component tests?
What are the pros of runtime reactivity?
Does slot content have access to the state of the parent component?
What is the most common example of wanting to render part of a component in a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of that component?