AWS Cloud Products

This deck will help you to learn and remember the products available from Amazon Web Services (AWS).

With over 200 products and services, this deck aims to teach basic familiarity with what they offer.

Disclaimer: This deck is in no way sponsored by, affiliated with, or endorsed by Amazon.<

Composing Programs

This deck is based on the textbook for the UC Berkeley CS 61A course, and is based on the classic computer science book Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman.

This version of the text has been updated from the original to use Python, instead of


This deck aims to teach the top level git commands that are available.

It’s based on the output of git help -a, which categorizes the almost 150 top level commands into 8 groups. Each of these top-level commands has its own man page, with a myriad of other options available.

This deck ig

Graphene Python

GraphQL in Python Made Easy

Source documentation:
Copyright (c) 2015-Present Syrus Akbary
MIT License

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status codes based on the MDN reference.

License: CC-BY-SA 2.5


Jest is a JavaScript testing framework.

Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcuts make life easier, don’t they?

Popular NPM Packages

Popular packages on Node Package Manager.

Python Glossary

Immerse yourself in the language of Python with this comprehensive flashcard deck, meticulously created using terms straight from the official Python documentation’s glossary. It serves as a powerful tool for learners at all stages - whether you’re a newbie just dipping your toes in the waters of Py

Python Standard Library

Learn the modules available in the Python standard library.

This deck focuses on the package names, and not the API for each package. It is intended to help experienced Python devs, who already know the basics, to increase their familiarity with all of the packages available in the standard libra

Tech Who’s Who

Influential figures in the history of IT.


Vue is a JavaScript component building framework.