Who invented Bitcoin?
Who built the earliest known robots?
Who created superscalar architecture with multiple-issue out-of-order dynamic instruction scheduling?
Who is David Heinemeier Hansen?
Which programming language did Audrey Tang contribute to?
Who is Brad Frost
Who created the off-side-rule that shows the start of a new declaration via indentation?
Who is the most famous Swedish programmer?
Who first demonstrated the potential speed of a digital computer in 1946?
Who improved the binary number system, laying the basics for modern computer science?
Who was the first CEO of Microsoft
Who first brought the internet to Latin America?
A German pioneer in mechanical calculators.
Who is Napster guy?
Who built a chess computer in 1912?
Who is credited as a main developer of the COBOL language?
Who was the first person to call an unknown problem with a computer a bug?
Who is Peter Thiel
Who is Scott Galloway
Who developed the FORMAC programming language?
Who is Tim Cook
What did Sophie Wilson invent?
Who built the Z3, the world’s first programmable computer?
Who was the first black supervisor at NASA’s computer department?
Who is considered the first programmer?
What does Peter Landin’s syntactic sugar do?
Who is Michael Seibel?
Who is Bob Martin (Uncle Bob)
Who invented the binary-to-text encoding process called uuencode?
Who created Donkey Kong?
Who pioneered Computer Science?
Who created the computer game version of checkers?
Which mission did Margaret Hamilton write code for?
Who wrote a book about recursive functions and applied recursive function theory to computers?
Who invented the first assembly language?
Who is Steve Ballmer
Who is Dan Abramov
What is Elizabeth Feinler known for?
Which well known product did John McAfee put on the market?
Who is Linus Torvalds
Who is Bjarne Stroustrup
What does the Turing Test test?